My poetry means a lot to me, because it comes from my inner depths and I hope to inspire and help some people with my work. I am really happy if you like my poems, so feel free to spread or repost them, but make sure to tag my website or my Instagram account in it, because it hurts when someone steals your soul :))
Enjoy this art of mine.
No One
no one will drown me
neither you, nor your pain
I will rise
rise against the dark
and I will shine, like a fallen star
exploding in flames and layers of strength
which had rescued me from your presence
of damned souls.
I am the flame consuming
your rotten darkness
and building a world
of light and love again
the disease
sometimes I wish
love could be a disease
so I could be healed
from this never ending pain
of passing memories
and stolen kisses.
if she is darkness
I will love the night,
the stars
and the moon and nothing less
till I drown myself in
dark eternity
kissing you
ever felt like
devouring the wild sea
and a bunch of stars
and touching
the whole universe with my soul
I devoured you
in love
and you shattered me
into thousand pieces
of stardust.
universe of stars and hopes
and it was in your eyes
where I found a world born
out of stars and moonlight
and a whole new
layers of love
I found hope and layers of strength
wrapped around your heart
and played out on your hands,
to hold me warm and tight
to you and
your beautiful soul.
words are weapons
some words
can save your life
you must form the letters
spill out the pain
and cry some tears
to let go of the things
whose can change your life forever.
out there
I am looking for you out there
every day
feeling fear and pain,
desire and love
all the same
since you left me.
like the stars and the night
I love this miserable man
with his messy hair
his head in the sky
and his heart on his tongue
like the stars must
love the night sky.
because without him
I would never rise against.
not enough space
Sometimes I lost myself
thinking about us
world too big for our love
and anyway too small
for our pain
The love is an ocean
Our love was like waves
and it took too much from us
and splattered our love
around the whole world
to suffer with us
universe exploding
I need someone
who loves me for
what I’ve survived
not what I’ve lost
who thinks I am brave
not broken
who sees my soul
lit up like a universe and my thoughts
dark as the nightsky
and loves me anyway.
the wind and the sand
I am the thunderstorm
and you are the desert
swirling around me
in thousand pieces
multiplying my force
and dying with me
and our unique love.
disturbing universe
Even if I could
touch the stars
I’d rather touch your gentle
heart and your
sparkling soul
because they are
the only universe
I’ll love forever
I will not settle
for anything less
than a fire
roaring in me
and a whole
nightsky of desire
the rescue
destroy me
before the wildness of love
rips out
my heart
and sets free
the beast I am inside
cut me
I am not afraid
to cut me
on your edges
to pull closer
until I bleed
into nothingness and
all embracing love
the butcher and the lover
He’s my butcher
and I knew
I knew.
Instead of running
I leaned into him
the gentle hands
the devouring mouth
the sudden pain
to just be loved
by him once.
warrior of my soul
demons crawl into my thoughts
and only the
memories of you
keep them away
keep them at bay
rescuing me
and fighting the shadows of loss
the passion of dreams
chasing the dream
you once were
like hunting stars
and hoping
you will be the
brightest of them all
so I can’t burn you
with my passion
singer of shadows
you called me
because of
the darkness in my heart
the black universe
in my eyes
warrior of love
I am a weapon
eyes like a blizzard
darkness in my heart
words like knives
and a soul of
a long lost warrior
called love.
fear me,
because I will destroy you.
my power swirling
on your skin
like moonlight
shines my way
through night and death
like this little sparkle
of a dying star
shows you how infinite
the night sky is.
step by step
I climb the mountain
breath like death and
mind like steel
I will reach for you
no matter what
I’ll lose for that.
Ice slices through my veins
like your words did
when you left me
let me be the blood
in your veins
the breath in your lungs
and the sparkle in your eyes
because I can’t remember
how it feels to be
the roaring storm
I was once.
I will rise
like the burning sun
destroying all you love
taking all you need
left in the ashes
of my broken world
you never knew
I will become the phoenix
you will fear forever.
worlds within words
books are my shelter
the worlds within words
sparks of my fire
spread a thousandfold
home of my soul
like stars in a nightsky
and love of my very heart
I am the warbringer
goddess of centuries
death incarnate
a woman in charge
someone to be feared
and loved the same.
creatures like you
you accuse me
to feel less than others
to be cruel and cold hearted
but I feel more than I should
dying a thousand deaths
and trying to hide it
from creatures like you
using the flaw of a big heart
to hurt me
I am the space
between the stars
giving you light
I am the dark side of the ocean
showing you the beauty of the wild
and I gonna be the hurricane
the goddess of destruction
if you ever try to break me
I will be your ruin
I promise
overtime I imagine a soul
I see burning light
dulled by the creatures
called human
and shining anyway
through the mist of hurt.
being human
It should be okay
to not be happy
it should be alright
to suffer
to show emotions
it is what makes
me human
(the only sign
my heart is alive)
pain inside my chest
I wish my tears could be
as ruby red
as blood
so it would be visible
how much it hurts inside me
I knew
It was
when I kissed the scars
on your hips
when I knew I loved you
and it was
when I looked at the scars on my soul and heart
when I knew
I had to leave you
to rescue me
break out
I kissed the scars on your skin,
where your beautiful soul tried so desperately
to break out of
this weak human body
dig our grave
I made a mess of us
digging a grave
to lay in
after I loved you
and you left me
if love is a drug
I am an addict
tumbling in the
sparkling darkness
and dying of an overdose
moon and sun
I am the night
the moon
and the darkness
I will find you
and you will burn brighter
like the sun
and dying just like her
screaming your name
I feel better lately
but what is left
is this hollow feeling
taunting me
the black hole in my chest
sucking the happiness out of me
screaming your name
she was a beautiful mess
full of chaos and destruction
wild like an animal
angry like a wildfire
rarer than diamonds
but as sharp as one
she was the most beautiful
deadliest weapon I knew
(and they called her love)
I just want to see
you again once
looking at your black eyes
mirroring my reflection
of a strong woman
alive after you
a warrior
winning every war
with a delighted roar
with herself and after
what you did to her.
I dream about your hands
lingering on my skin
your lips on my throat
your soul entwined with mine
but when I wake up
there are just black shadows and smoke
building your shadow
I saw the reflection
of myself, my soul, the past
in your shimmering eyes
and I hated what I saw
so I walked away
and never looked back
into the abysses
of me and you
and our personal hell.
my burning man
I saw the lighting slashing the clouds
and heard the rumbling thunder
awaking what i waited for
this man burning like a blizzard
walking out of the darkness
embracing me so kind and whispering
“your are the darkness to my light
the calm to my fury
my salvation on earth”
dark knight
I hid myself from you
the furies and hate
the agony and pain
the broken, dark places in me.
But I learned you were a boy
who loved the nightsky
because of eternity not of the smiling moon
but the understanding of your sadness in a dark night.
explore me like your wildest dreams
curious and full of passion
go forward into the deepest mountains
to embrace my nightmares and
the holes in your memory of me,
your glorious never ending pain of
forgetting what we could have been.
souls embracing
living feels like
the slightest breathe of you
on my neck, my soft spot
your lips on my wilting soul
and your mind embrace my cruel thoughts
me, the fire inside
You could have been a holy summer meadow
but when you wanted me so desperately
in your field, you forgot,
I am the roaring fire
taking everything i love
with me into ashes and scattering smoke
of a war neither of us will win
broken things
You suffocated me
murdered my flame , my spirit and heat
leaving only shadows and darkness
broken me
you liked it more this way
you ever liked collecting shattered things
and put them together
I am a thousand pieces of my scattered soul
away with the last blows of my spirit
try to flee your desire
and it will catch you
like the shark the seal
bloody, but definetly
my fingertips
explore the scars
on your skin
the promise you made for us
for me
feel more
It is good to be too soft
because it means
you have a heart left
to feel anything
broken or not
broken future
I am not broken at all
just stitched together
from hope and fury
night skies of stars and eternal darkness
filled with dreams and nightmares and the knowledge,
that both of them will come true
to build the human
I must be to live the future
projected for me
my own world
There you are
my one and only
lurking in the darkness
of my soul
and weaving a net of starlight into it
to make it easier for me
to see the beauty of the world
saying goodbye
give us the opportunity
to meet again
in the rose shadows of dawn
and fall in love
over and over again
just to say goodbye
over and over again
my soul welcomed yours
like the suns the moons
we barely touched
and left each other behind
I never expected you
to be the vessel for my pain
but there you were
stunning like a field of flying flowers
and gentle like an ocean breeze
taking my pain away
leaving just the beautiful memories
of me and you
how often can we break,
without being broken
tears spreading into
happy cruel smiles
dreams becoming daylight nightmares
and I fight
fight so hard
to don’t let the hard days win.
lovely hell
falling in love is like hell
tumbling down into the darkness of the abyss
surrounded by fire of the starlight
and burning just like them
will nothing is left
than the ashes,
of who you were.
loss of dragons
I’d rather burn, than feel this
this loss of me,
of the dragons in me
dreams in my mind
and glass in my heart
gods of color
the colorful shadows of you
following me
surrounding the goddess I am
in silk made of nightmares and pain
ready to fall
for the future of
losing myself again
hateful love
I see your lips in him
a shadow of you
and your soul entwined with mine
projecting everything I hated
but loved so fucking much
in him
who could be all
or too much you
in one split second?
black fires everywhere
black flames lurking around us
cornering us into this space,
where your hands touch my soul
and your kind lips
love my skin
cry me a river
cry a river of sorrow
and let follow
your sparkling laugh
to let everyone know
you survived that nightmare of yours
braver than ever
crawling out of the darkness
the abysses of your past
you cruel cruel thing
you brave brave warrior
fighting for your nightmares
like angels for their dreams
what is right?
I don’t know how to love right
I am pain
and despair,
darkness and explosions of
sadness and need
between endless joy
and shining stars
of art
a broken heart is all
you’ll have left
to make it into art
splatter it around
like the blood and tears you shed
smear it on the floor
and show them what you’ve got left
to speak to friends of love and death
I don’t blame you
for not being the one
not for leaving me
but I hate you
for becoming my
worst nightmare on earth.
good girl
You’d never know
what a good girl looks like
even if she would turn your life
into a hurricane of heartbeats and promises
of a better life
you prefer hell
cause you know how to live
in the ice abysses of a hopeless